John Kesler:Also, Leolaia, in your research did you find any ancient source, Christian or Jewish, which said that the Exodus-6 genealogy contains skipped generations and isn't intended to convey literal father-son relationships? I haven't found any, but as I mention above, one tactic of apologists who opt for the long-sojourn solution is to claim that it is abridged.
Leolaia:No ancient source I know of discusses this possibility, but there is a lot from the later rabbinical era that I haven't studied that might conjecture along these lines.
Here is what I found when I studied the issue. All of the sources below speak of Levi-Kohath-Amram-Aaron/Moses in literal father-son terms and state that Jochebed is the literal daughter of Levi, not just a "daughter" meaning a descendant. (Josephus, Philo, and the Testament of Levi also speak of the relationships as literally of fathers and sons.)
Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg is “a massive collation of the Haggada--the traditions which have grown up surrounding the Biblical narrative. These stories and bits of layered detail are scattered throughout the Talmud and the Midrash, and other sources, including oral.”
The following legend can be viewed here: "The extent of God's love for Levi is evident through the command given to Moses, to number in the tribe of Levi ‘all males from a month old and upward,’ whereas in the other tribes none were numbered save men able to go to war, from twenty years and upward. Upon other occasions God had even the embryos among the Levites numbered. This occurred upon Jacob's entrance into Egypt, when the number seventy for his family was attained only by including Jochebed who was still in the womb; and similarly at a future time upon the return of the exiles from Babylon. For at that time only twenty-three of the priestly sections returned, hence to complete their number they had to include Bigvai, who belonged to the missing section, even though he was still in the womb." Another legend is found here: “Among them also there was even to be found a woman as old as Jochebed-the daughter of Levi by his union with Otah-who survived her sons Moses and Aaron, as well as her daughter Miriam, and who was permitted to enter the promised land at the age of two hundred and fifty years.” Here is another: “The Canaanites were not the only ones who did not enjoy their wealth and money, for a similar fate was decreed for Korah. He had been the treasurer of Pharaoh, and possessed treasures so vast that he employed three hundred white mules to carry the keys of his treasures: but ‘let not the rich man boast of his riches,’ for Korah through his sin lost both life and property. Korah had obtained possession of his riches in the following way: When Joseph, during the lean years, through the sale of grain amassed great treasures, he erected three great buildings, one hundred cubits wide, one hundred cubits long, and one hundred cubits wide, one hundred high, filled them with money and delivered them to Pharaoh, being too honest to leave even five silver shekels of this money to his children. Korah discovered one of these three treasuries. On account of his wealth he became proud, and his pride brought about his fall. He believed Moses had slighted him by appointing his cousin Elizaphan as chief of the Levite division of Kohathites. He said: ‘My grandfather had four sons, Amram, Ishar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Amram, as the firstborn, had privileges of which his sons availed themselves, for Aaron is high priest and Moses is king; but have not I, the son of Izhar, the second son of Kohath, the rightful claim to be prince of the Kohathites? Moses, however, passed me by and appointed Elizaphan, whose father was Uzziel, the youngest son of my grandfather.’” There’s even more information in the Babylonian Talmud:
Folio 120a
“[H]ow could she be called 'daughter' when she was a hundred and thirty years old; for R. Hama b. Hanina said: It was Jochebed who was conceived on the way and born between the walls [of Egypt] for so it is written, Who was born to Levi in Egypt, [which implies that] her birth was in Egypt but her conception was not in Egypt.
Folio 12a
“A daughter of Levi. How is this possible! She was one hundred and thirty years old, and he calls her 'a daughter'! (For R. Hama b. Hanina said: This refers to Jochebed whose conception occurred during the journey [to Egypt] and her birth between the walls; as it is said: Who was born to Levi in Egypt — her birth occurred in Egypt but her conception did not occur there.) — Rab Judah said: [She is called 'a daughter'] because the signs of maidenhood were reborn in her. Two documents from Qumran shed light on this issue--The Testament of Kohath and the Testament of Amram--and both clearly show that Kohath and Amram were viewed as father and son. This is significant, because between these two men is generally where a gap in names is alleged to occur. Unfortunately, the DSS are fragmentary, so there are occasional ellipses in the texts. All the bold-face print is mine for emphasis. From :
29. Testament Of Kohath (4Q542) (Plate 9)
Fragment 1
Column 1
(1)... and God of Gods for all Eternity. And He will shine as a Light upon you and He will make known to you His great Name (2) and you will know Him, that He is the Eternal God and Lord of all creation, and sovereign (3) over all things, governing them according to His will. And He will give you joy and your sons rejoicing for generations of (4) the Truth, forever. And now, my sons, be watchful of your inheritance that has been bequeathed to you, (5) which your fathers gave you. Do not give your inheritance to foreigners, nor your heritage to (6) violent men, lest you be regarded as humiliated in their eyes, and foolish, and they trample upon you, for (7) they will come to dwell among you and become your masters. Therefore, hold fast to the word of Jacob (8) your father, and be strong in the judgements of Abraham, and in the Righteousness of Levi and myself. Be Holy and pure (9) from all vacat entirely, and hold to the Truth, walking uprightly without Deceitfulness, (10) but rather with a pure heart and in a True and Good Spirit. Thus you will grant to me a good name among you, together with joy (11) for Levi and happiness for J[a]cob, rejoicing for Isaac and blessing for Abraham, inasmuch as you guarded (12) and walked (in) the inheri[tance. My solos, your fathers bequeathed to you Truth, Righteousness, Uprightness, (13) integrity, pur[ity, Holiness and the priesthood. In accordance with what you have been commanded, and according to all that
Column 2
(1) I have taught you in Truth, from now and for al[1 Eternity... (2) the words of the Truthful saying. There will come upon yo[u... (3) eternal blessings shall rest upon you. And there shall b[e... (4) enduring to all the generations of Eternity. And no longer shall you... (5) from your Foundation, and you shall endure to pronounce judgements... (6) to reveal the sin of all the eternal sinners... (7) and the Wicked and in the depths of the sea and in all the hollows of the earth... (8) in [gener]ations of Truth, while all the sons of Evi[l] will pass away... (9) And now, you, Amram, my son, I appoi[nt... (10) and [to] your [son]s and to their sons I appoint... (11) and they bequeathed it to Levi my father, and Levi my father [bequeathed it] to me... (12) and all my books as a testimony, that you take heed of them... (13) Great merit [will come] to you from them as they accompany you in your affairs.
Fragment 2
Column 1
(6)... his sons... (7) among mankind and among liv[ing things]... (12) a Light. Instead... (13) and I . ..
Fragment 3
Column 1
(in the margin) his root.
Column 2
(11)... the stones will call... (12) them from all fornication very much. Whoever... (13) exceedingly, for he has no...
30. Testament Of Amram (4Q543, 545-548) Manuscript C
Column 1
(1) A copy [of the book of the words of the vis]ion of Amram the son of Kohath, the son of Levi: all (2) that [he revealed to his sons and that he commanded t]hem on the day [of his death, in] the year (3) one hundred and thirty-six, whi[ch] was the year of his death, [in the o]ne hundred (4) and fifty-second year of the exil[e of Israel to Egypt... upon [him, and he sent] (5) to call Uzziel his youngest brother, and [gave] to him [in marr]iage [Miri]am [his] daughter. [For he said] (6) ‘You (Miriam) are thirty years old.’ Then he gave a wedding feast seven [day]s long, (7) and ate and drank and rejoiced at the feast. Then, when (8) the Mays of the wedding feast were completed, he called for Aaron his son. Now, [h]e (Aaron) was a man of... years of age (9) [...and he said] to him, ‘Call... and Malachijah... from the house of (10)... above. He called him... Column 2 (11) in this land, and I went up to... (12) to bury our fathers. And I went up... (13) to [a]rise, to bind and pile sheaths and to build... (14) gre[a]t from the sons of my uncle, all togeth[er... and from] (15) our excee[ding great labors, [until in Egy]pt there died... (16) the rumor of war and unrest returned... to the land of E[gypt...] (17) to meet and [they had] not bui[lt gr]aves for their fa[th]ers. Then [my father Kohath] released me [to go,] (18) to build and to get [all their needs] for the[m from the land of Canaan. [And while] (19) we [were] building, wa[r broke out between] the Philistines and Egypt, and... was winn[ing...]
Manuscript E
Fragment 1
(1)... that Levi his son sacrificed to... (2) I said to you at the alt[ar] of stop[e...] (3) [con]cerning sacrifice[s...]
Fragment 2
(2) I rescued... (3) he built... (4) at Mount Sinai... (5) a great blessing at the bronz[e] altar... (6) from among all the people on earth his [son] will be exalted as a priest. The[n...] (7) and his sons after him, for all the generations of eternity in Tru[th...] (8) and I awoke from the sleep of my eyes, and [I] wrote down the vision... (9) I went out from the land of Canaan, and it happened to me just as he said... (10) exalting, and afterwar[d], in the twen[tieth] year, [I returned to the land of Canaan] (11)... you were...
Manuscript B
Fragment 1
(9) [...1 saw Watchers] (10) in my vision, the dream-vision. Two (men) were fighting over me, saying... (11) and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, ‘Who are you, that you are thus empo[wered over me?’ They answered me, ‘We] (12) [have been em]powered and rule over all mankind.’ They said to me, ‘Which of us do yo[u choose to rule (you)?’ I raised my eyes and looked.] (13) [One] of them was terr[i]fying in his appearance, [like a serpent, [his] cl[oa]k many-colored yet very dark... (14) [And I looked again], and... in his appearance, his visage like a viper, and [wearing...] (15) [exceedingly, and all his eyes...]
Fragment 2
(1) [...em]powered over you... (2) [I replied to him,] ‘This [Watcher,] who is he?’ He answered me, ‘This Wa[tcher...] (3) [and his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness] and King of Evil.’ I said, ‘My lord, what dom[inion...?’] (4) [’and his every way is darkened, his every work da[rk]ened. In Darkness he... (5) [Yo]u saw, and he is empowered over all Darkness, while I [am empowered over all light.] (6) [...from] the highest regions to the lowest I rule over all Light, and over al[1 that is of God. I rule over (every) man]
Fragment 3
(1) [of His grace and peace. Over all the sons of Lig]ht have] I been empowered.’ I asked him, [What are your names... ?’] (2) He [s]aid to me, ‘[My] three names are [Michael and Prince of Light and King of Righteousness.’]
Manuscript ?
Column 1
(1)... tribes... (2) to them and all [his] ways [are True...] (3) [and he will heal] them of all their ills... (4) them from death and from de[struction...] (5) [o]ver you, blessed sons... (6) all the generations of Israel for[ever...] (7) angry at me, for the sons of Ri[ghteousness...] (8) between the sons of Lying and the sons of Tr[uth...] (9) I [will make known to you;] certainly I will inform y[ou that all the sons of Light] (10) will be made Light, [whereas all the sons] of Darkness will be made Dark. [The sons of Light...] (11) and in all their Knowledge [they will] be, and the sons of Darkness will be dest[ro]yed... (12) For all foolishness and Evi[1 will be darkened, while all [pea]ce and Truth will be made Ligh[t. All the sons of Light] (13) [are destined for Light and [eternal j]oy (and) [re]joic[ing.] All the sons of Dark[ness] are destined for [Darkness and death] (14) and destruction... Lightness for the people. And I shall reveal [to you...] (15) from Darkness, for all... (16) the sons of [Darkness...] and all the sons of Light...